Thursday, May 28, 2009

Women's roles.

One thing that I noticed about this movie was that it had a big sterotype towards women. All that Francis Ford Coppola portrayed was women in the kitchen cooking and cleaning and how they were not involved in the family buisness except kay. It really stood out for me because all the women that were in the family for a long time such as Mama Corleone knew "their role" such as when it was dinner time they knew not to talk about buisness. But when kay would always be anxious to ask micheal about the buisness he would not really tell her.Do you think Francis Ford Coppola portrayes a big differnece between women who have been the family longer than women who have been in the family for a shorter time?

One of the most imporant scenes in the movie for me was the very first one. It is important for me because it gave you a clear understanding of how the movie was going to be and set the tone of the movie.I think the speech from Don Carleone was very powerfull because it showed you immediately how the godfather acts.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tears of joy or of sadness?

The other day in class while watching the Godfather the scene were Micheal tells his recovering father, "Im with you now...Im with you", obviously meaning before that he wasn't "with" him. When Don Corleone hears this tears come to his face, although he has a smile on his face it contradicts what he has said before to micheal: telling him he doesnt want him to be part of the family business. Obvioulsy he was lyinh and because of the smile on his face it tells us that he is proud of mivheal and that he is shedding tears of joy.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kay: The Woman in Red

Today while watching the Godfather we were discussing the significance of the outsider like character Kay (Micheal Corleone's girlfriend), and how she is so different compared to the other women that are in the corleone family. One can tell immediately that she is not fully accepted when Micheal first introduces her to his brother Sunny, the look on Sunny's face and the lack of interest at the moment shows how dfferent she is compared to the girlfiends/wives of other men in the Corleone family. Her clothing was very interesting too, in teh two scenes we saw her, she was always wearing red. In the second scene where she is present, as soon as you see her red dress underneath the fur Mischeal sees a newspaper saying that "New York's biggest Gangster" was murdered. It reminded me of the horror film The Omen (the newest one), whenever the color red is presented something very terrible happens.
